Staten Island NY Property Tax Reduction Appeals


The tax certiorari attorneys at Apfelbaum & Apfelbaum, LLP regularly craft strategies and negotiate on behalf of real estate taxpayers in the borough of Staten Island. We are known for having a comprehensive database of information to compare your real estate property and for delivering high quality, detail-oriented, and personalized attention to each and every one of our clients.

What we do:

  • We learn everything we need to know about your property to work towards a reduction in your tax assessment. We help you gather all the necessary data, such as your income from the prior year, your repairs, the incoming rent, and any issues that arose. By gathering these different data points, it allows us to make a strong and fair argument to reduce your tax assessment.
  • After collecting your data, we then create and customize a new, accurate valuation for your real estate and then present that new valuation at an administrative hearing before the New York City Tax Commission.
  • Results: The NYC Tax Commission may make an offer to reduce the assessed valuation of the property. We will provide you with our advice whether to accept that offer, or to reject it and preserve your right to re-argue the case in the future.

Property Values in Staten Island

The property values in New York City have been rising year on year for more than 10 years now. For instance, Staten Island property owners saw a 10.43 percent increase in full market value just this year, the most of any of the five boroughs.1 Although property taxes in Staten Island are used to fund various public agencies, the borough has a vast budget to fund those agencies. Therefore, you should always protest an inflated property tax assessment.

Contact us today
At Apfelbaum & Apfelbaum, LLP we are known for being comprehensive, innovative and hands-on in challenging the annual tax assessment. Interested in challenging your Staten Island property tax assessment? Call us at 646-355-8602; or click here to fill out our Property Form to get started.

1New York City Department of Finance Taxable Assessment and Market Value Profiles, Final FY 2018/19 vs Tent. FY 2019/20, Summary by Boro.

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